GenomicusFungi v43.01 Title
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DYOGEN group

web-code version: 2017-06-13
database version: 43.01
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Here you can choose the oldest ancestor of your phylogenetic range of interest and the view you want to display by clicking on one of the following links.

Root species for COX5A (SERLA73DRAFT_115792) (Serpula lacrymans var. lacrymans S7.3) AlignView depth PhyloView depth
Fungi Fungi ~10 Mya 713 species 409 homologs (oldest homol.)
Dikarya Dikarya ~10 Mya 634 species 351 homologs (dupl. node)
308 homologs
Basidiomycota Basidiomycota ~10 Mya 190 species 167 homologs
Agaricomycotina Agaricomycotina ~10 Mya 134 species 143 homologs
Agaricomycetes Agaricomycetes ~10 Mya 106 species 115 homologs (dupl. node)
94 homologs (dupl. node)
52 homologs
Agaricomycetidae Agaricomycetidae ~10 Mya 56 species 51 homologs
Boletales Boletales ~10 Mya 17 species 15 homologs
Coniophorineae Coniophorineae ~10 Mya 3 species 2 homologs
Serpula lacrymans var. lacrymans S7.3 Serpula lacrymans var. lacrymans S7.3 ~0 Mya 1 species 1 homolog

Advanced Options
-evalue <Real>
Expectation value (E) threshold for saving hits
Default = '10'
-word_size <Integer, >=2>
Word size for wordfinder algorithm
Default = '3'
-gapopen <Integer>
Cost to open a gap
Default = '11'
-gapextend <Integer>
Cost to extend a gap
Default = '1'
-matrix <String>
Scoring matrix name (normally BLOSUM62)
-threshold <Real, >=0>
Minimum word score such that the word is added to the BLAST lookup table
Default = '11'
-window_size <Integer, >=0>
Multiple hits window size, use 0 to specify 1-hit algorithm
Default = '40'